Be Still
Si Hudson
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Have you ever had a moment where a task needs completing, looks hopeful and then just in the nick of time it gets done?
I was working through this idea about Be Still, and I thought I had it completed. I thought it was decent enough. I thought it sounded good, it had good truth, it had good tempo.
Such is the songwriting game, you send it to people who critique (in the nicest possible way) your work. And they suggest other things. It’s part of the process.
So this song, with less than a week to go before being recorded, was in crisis. It needed a “miracle.” To borrow some sporting analogies, a miracle like Istanbul, Medinah, Dennis Taylor, Aguerooooooooo.
Just before a busy weekend which would lead into the recording session, I had an hour window with which to try something new, and get a demo done. The miracle happened. Just a few minor lyric tweaks were needed. And then we recorded it just days later.
Did it look like a miracle when it happened? No. I can’t think of anything else it could have been. God inspired, definitely. I always heard artists say that there’s always one song in the recording process that comes last minute and out of nowhere, or that comes rapidly. This was it for me.
Chris Martin of Coldplay said in a documentary, “the best songs are finished in 10 minutes, but it takes hours and hours to get to those 10 minutes”. So, if there’s an end to the story, it is to keep going, keep writing, graft away. The gold is there, even if it’s revealed at the last minute. Hopefully, it becomes the last minute winner!
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