The All In All
The All In All

The All In All

Janine John

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 “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” Revelation 1:8 NKJV

How to begin to tell the awesome story of our God? That was what was on my heart and mind at the beginning of 2020 as I sought, as so many were doing, for a fixed point in a world of turmoil and voices of doom and gloom. As a long-time Watchman, an ordinary Christian trying to make sense of a world of contradictions; of opinions and of ideologies bent on over-turning seemingly everything that we in the post-Christian West have built our lives and our hopes upon I was driven to look again at our sure foundations in God our maker and Saviour.

As the world and even the church flounders for solutions in the sea of strident voices the words ‘There’s only one who knows, All that is, All that was, And all that is to be’ set my mind on the Omni words of scripture, long words, just religious words to some – but so loaded with the eternal truth of the omniscient God who knows everything. Who announces to us that he is The Alpha and Omega,

the Ancient of Days. This led effortlessly on to The Three in One, God Holy Spirit and Son. And I knew here was a hook for a new song that I could not wait to write. It was one of those times when the words are flowing and that grabbing any handy scrap of paper to set them down on was the one and only response.

The results are here today on Janine’s interpretation and Andy’s orchestration as we collaborated to distil the message of my original eight verses. An ethereal and heavenly melody, haunting even - as it has seemed to the few of us who she first shared it with. And now released for the blessing of all who have ears to hear.

Rob Tromans



It has been such a JOY to be part of bringing this song to life with Rob Tromans and Homegrown Worship. 

I have LOVED crafting the lyrics and putting melody to a song that RINGS of truth, and beauty.

When I first read the words, they brought Awe and REST to my heart. I could hear the song sounding Ethereal and intimate. Andy and the HG team captured that atmosphere with the amazing soundscaping of this song, which takes us into a place of declaration and prayer. 

I pray that there will be a continual dawning and EVER increasing measure of revelation and AWE. That He is the 'All in All, the Ancient of Days' and the simplicity and wonder that 'He is EVER presence'.

Janine John


About The Artist

Janine loves to inspire believers to go beyond the temporary into the eternal, to really know the beauty, AWE and wonder of Christ. Believing that LOVE has a sound that must be heard, it is her JOY to express her own love of walking with The Trinity through original lyrics and recordings. Her first Studio Album ‘Relocate’ captures the transporting sound, taking those who listen into the glorious presence of…

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