God You Loved
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Title: The depths of love, God You Loved...
Have you ever just sat in a quiet place and try to let your mind wrap around the depths of how much God loves us?
I'm sure we have all thought about God as a Zeus-like, wrath-filled being that sits on His throne with a basket full of lightning bolts beside Him, waiting in anticipation to throw one down on us 'nasty sinners' in order to inflict pain and suffering when we have failed.
Yet have you pondered the true nature of a God that has such a heart for humanity that, as we see in the exchange between He and Abraham on the plains of Sodom, He would “not destroy it even for ten”. It doesn’t take much imagination in this exchange to see that He would spare it all for even one.
This same God put the heavens on hold to empty Himself and dwell among us in flesh, to be tempted as we are in every way, so that we would know that we have a God that understands what we are going through.
We even get a front row seat to how hard of a battle He fought in the face of temptation in the garden. He did not just “breeze through life”...by example, He was obedient unto death. This is even evident directly after His baptism when He goes off into the desert for 40 days. That could of been the end of Him right there and He displayed a trust and obedience unto death...right from the start of His public ministry.
This is the declaration of this song. Along with a heartfelt cry, “Revive my heart, refresh my soul, renew my life”.
That’s where Greg Campbell and I began in the Worship Arts green room at Lakeshore Christian Church in Antioch, TN. Simply with a heartfelt cry to “revive, refresh, and renew”.
Several weeks later I had the pleasure of sitting in a room in Sandton, South Africa with Loulita Gill and Aron Bicskey, while on the Worship Encounters Tour SA, exploring the depths of the true nature of God’s love and, with their help, rounding out the declarations in the verses.
No matter where we land on the pondering of how much God loved\loves us, that is a posturing of the heart I take on daily so that I may know Him more.
Jeremy Neely
Unearth a new song