Ashley Ruth
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Learning to lean on the Lord
My husband and I planted a church here in Florida about four years ago. If you had asked me a year before we started the church, I never would have imagined my life would take a turn in that direction. I was a busy mom with a small child and another on the way. I played clarinet full time in an orchestra, and my husband and I served on our local church worship team. My life was full, and I was happy and satisfied.
After a series of interesting events and encouragement from our Pastor, my husband began to sense the Lord leading him to start a church. We began the process with much prayer and dreams of seeing countless souls come to salvation in Christ.
The reality of starting a church in your home proved to be a huge blessing, as well as a huge challenge. There are hundreds of little details and decisions we were suddenly responsible for making, and the “simple” task of teaching the Word of God and leading a congregation in worship proved to be more than we were capable of on our own. We desperately need the Lord’s strength and discernment. As we have endeavored to maintain the integrity of the Word of God above all else, we have experienced moments of incredible devastation, as well as moments of incredible joy.
Four years into this adventure together, we now have three amazing children. Life is more full than we ever could have dreamed. Matthew 11:28, says “Come to Me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” The Lord inspired me to re-write one of my favorite old hymns, “Leaning,” as an anthem of my decision to lean on the everlasting arms of the One who will always be there and will never fail us.
Today, as I reflect on the recent recording process for “Leaning,” the Lord has allowed me even more opportunity to live out these words: “What have I to dread, what have I to fear, leaning on the everlasting arms? I have blessed peace with my Lord so near, leaning on the everlasting arms.” As the world around us has completely changed in light of a global pandemic, I am realizing the perfect timing God has for releasing this song into the public. I pray it is a source of comfort and encouragement to those struggling with fear during this season.
Ashley Ruth
Singer/Songwriter & Musician
Unearth a new song