The Way Of Your Heart
Andy Baker
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The Way Of Your Heart is a prayer for guidance.
Over twenty-three years of following Jesus I’ve been involved in a handful of different churches in several different locations. I’ve been involved in exciting church plants, worshipped regularly in four-hundred year-old buildings, and seen congregations hurt by leaders crashing down from the pedestals.
Over the past year, my church has been starting a new chapter under a new leader. Our vicar Andrew has taken us through a series of sermons around Micah 6 and unpacked the call we have to love mercy, walk humbly and act justly. We’re on a journey of discovering our personal and collective call in Christ.
The overarching theme of the song is a request for God to lead us. For many years I’ve followed my own ambitions but wish to commit myself to only pursuing the things I feel God has purposed for me. His heart beats for a world in need and requires me to be submitted to Him. So often I pray for God to help me in my plans and aspirations. Walking humbly requires me to lay down my ideas and preferences and asking God to align my heart with His. Already I’m finding that He’s taking me to places I dared not venture before.
God is looking for active followers; the kind who love, walk and act. I pray that I can keep in step with where He’s leading me and hope that He affirms you as you join in with the chorus and refrains in this song.
In every single thing we do, help us Lord to follow You!
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