We Look To You
Ashley Ruth
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The Prayer of my Heart
“We look to You” really sums up the prayer of my heart. Being a Christian can be hard, and without the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit, it would be impossible. Who else offers strength and peace when you are going through the fires of life? Who else offers perfect wisdom and the eyes and ears to really see and love people? And what other kind of love is big enough to love the unlovable?
I know I am incapable of attaining any of these things on my own. I need the Lord to be working in and through me to accomplish His will for my life. I need His power and patience to be the kind of wife and mother He has called me to be. I need His help to actually be different than the world around me.
I remember this song started with the Chorus. The Lord gave me an interesting melody accompanied with the phrase “We look to You.” After that, the words quickly began to flow out of me and onto the paper. I remember running to the piano to write the next line of the song in between re-filling juice cups and changing diapers. I was so excited and my spirit could not rest until I had said what I needed to say in writing the song.
In all things, I look to Jesus, because He is the only One who can truly satisfy our needs. He is the only One who can bridge the gap between our imperfect sinful condition and a perfect and holy creator, God. His love made a way to redeem and restore us in relationship with our heavenly Father. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only son, that whoever believes in Him, should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16
Ashley Ruth
Singer/Songwriter & Musician
Unearth a new song