You Satisfy My Hungry Soul
You Satisfy My Hungry Soul

You Satisfy My Hungry Soul

Rachel E Reader

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Would you like to know what the cure for loneliness is? I believe I have found it.

Psalm 107:1 says that God satisfies the longing soul and fills the hungry with good things, to give thanks to Him because He is good.

Psalm 34:9-10 says that those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.

Before I got married I felt lonely.  During my marriage I often felt lonely, then after my divorce I was completely devastated and the loneliness I experienced nearly killed me.

We all desire to have loving and fulfilling relationships, money, success and good things in our lives.

I found that when I looked outside of God for all these things, I was miserable and it led to disaster, but when I spent time in His presence worshipping Him with songs like this one, seeking Him and His way of living and being right first, (Matthew 6:33), that’s when I started to become fulfilled and happy on a regular basis.

The longing and yearning to have another relationship and other things disappeared. My focus had shifted to seeing God as my source and that’s when I found all my natural needs, even my emotional needs being met.

I realised my marriage had been co-dependent. I had been looking to my husband to fulfil me and meet all my needs and he was looking to me for the same.  It was a very unhealthy situation and a recipe for trouble. No wonder it didn’t work out.

Do you have longings in your heart that need satisfying?  Well seek God for all you need today, whether it’s love, things, fulfilment or anything else.  I found out only He can truly satisfy us. He is the source of all of our supply.

Rachel E Reader



About The Artist

Ministering at women's meetings and events, Rachel had been singing songs of healing and Truth from her Freedom EP for a number of years. She shares her testimony of how God healed her from the trauma of domestic abuse and violence and how she came to find lasting wholeness and inner peace.

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